Client testimonials

I’m grateful for many wonderful clients who have trusted me and grown with me. Here’s what a few of them had to say about our work together.

“Nat has an intuitive ability to recognize and nurture the strengths in others. They created a safe and supportive space for me to grow, empowering me to step into my leadership abilities with confidence. Through our work together, I gained a deeper understanding of my unique strengths and how to apply them effectively within my team. This not only fostered my own growth but also contributed to the success of those around me. Nat's insights and encouragement gave me the confidence and clarity to lead with purpose. I highly recommend working with Nat if you're seeking a coach who truly understands your values and goals and helps you align them with your career.” 

Sondra, Product Management

“I met Nat during a challenging time in my life, facing an unfulfilling job and an impending move to a new country for love. Initially, I sought Nat’s guidance on practical career steps in the U.S and aligning my passion with my skills. However, our sessions evolved into deeper discussions that addressed mental blocks and lifelong fears. Nat helped me recognize and shift unproductive patterns, from resisting growth to fearing rejection and offered different perspectives for the problems I encounter.

Their insights and kindness provided the safe space I needed to grow, not just in my career, but in life. While my journey is ongoing, I now feel more confident but also more self-forgiving towards myself  as I navigate this big transition. I know they will make a unique difference in your journey too. Thank you, Nat!” 

Hans, Media & Public Relations

“Feeling miserable at my job, I found myself at a crossroads when I started coaching with Nat. After one conversation, I knew that they were a special kind of coach. Their thorough intake process alone shows how deeply they seek to help their clients. Nat's coaching has profoundly impacted me, personally and professionally. I got my mojo back! My curiosity leads me, and it empowers me to use my voice. I set boundaries, and people no longer have the power to drain my energy.”

Millie, Brand Strategist & Copywriter

“Nat's coaching work has helped me navigate the ambiguity of ‘start-up life’ and progress my career with confidence. Our sessions functioned both as professional therapy as well as strategic career coaching and they helped me better understand my role and contributions within my organization. I'm left with a renewed sense of self-worth, greater enjoyment of my job, and a positive outlook for the growth of my career.

Niko, Product Marketing & Product Management

“I just finished my six months of career coaching with Nat. I found Nat during a time of extreme transition in my life, when I was changing as a person, laid off from my job, and struggling with the job hunt. Nat was instrumental in my growth as a professional and an individual. I found them to be empathetic, thoughtful, and really on point with their feedback. Their guidance was invaluable to practicing self care, increasing my coping skills and practicing gratitude while things fell apart. I loved working with them and hope that everyone can benefit from working with them, and look forward to working with them in the future as well!”

Yasha, Product Management

“I am so grateful for what I received from Nat's coaching. They create a safe and self-reliant space. This allowed me to explore my core wound in a deeper and more productive/growth-centric, loving and accepting way. Also, they identified shadows and gave me tools that empowered me to do something about them. Through the coaching, we developed a purpose and outcomes to serve as a guidepost when life feels overwhelming and confusing. Do yourself a favor and grow with this beacon of light!”

Jodi, Naturopathic Doctor

“Meeting Nat was an incredible blessing in my life. Major life transitions had me in a point of confusion, lack of confidence and desire for more certainty…and needing a job. I started this process thinking getting a job would solve all my problems but Nat helped push me to understand myself better, take the time and space I needed to learn more about my wants and needs and how to navigate these new learnings with my family.

We finished our program recently and I have a job I love (LOVE), and I'm happier now than I have been in a long while. Life isn't perfect but Nat set me up with the tools to navigate the complexities of it. Invest in yourself and your future and your happiness, because is there anything else that really matters? Nat will help you. Thank you immensely, Nat!”

Kara, Hospitality Professional

“When I started seeing Nat, I was at the tail-end of a long unemployed period during the Covid years. I had been in so many toxic work environments for most of my working life and felt so burned out. Nat helped guide me through these past challenging experiences and identify what I was really looking for in a career. Nat empowered me to see my strengths more clearly and identify work environments that would nourish, rather than drain me.

Nat’s caring support helped me to dig myself out of an unemployed pit of despair. I am now working a job which is fully supportive of who I am as an individual, I feel blessed to have found such a lovely work community. I am being paid more than ever before, whilst growing and being challenged in my career. I highly recommend seeing Nat if you want to figure out how to positively transform your work life!”

Alexis, Social Worker

“Nat is knowledgable, empathetic, and thoughtful. They coached me through a career transition when I felt stuck and uninspired. Nat asked pointed questions that helped me think about problems differently and brought more perspective to my limited experience. With their guidance, I felt confident taking the next step in my career and I'm much happier at the company I landed at. I highly recommend working with them if you're feeling stagnant in your growth!”

Gina, Product Management

“Nat helped me land the key role that set me on my current career path. Throughout my time at my job, Nat was always the first person I would go to for guidance and support. When I made my next career move, Nat was there again to help me make a successful transition.”

Laurence, Product Management